EFT Tapping
I was introduced to Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT, many years ago when Debra Gian Kamal invited me to a workshop. At the time is was considered pretty “woo-woo” kind of stuff. I used it personally and occasionally shared the technique during class.
Jump ahead to today and we find Tapping has become mainstream energy medicine backed by dozens of clinical trials and utilized in cognitive and exposure therapy.
The Tapping technique is rooted in 5000 years of Eastern Medicine and now in Modern day psychology.
EFT has adapted the use of Acupuncture’s mapped out meridian channels.
In a nutshell stimulation begins with tapping on the acupressure points on the body while expressing a negative emotion.
The energy flows through the meridians as they are stimulated.
The signals travel along the meridians accessing the limbic system where emotions and adverse events are stored.
This allows for a reset of the nervous system removing emotional blocks and neutralizing stress and trauma.
Tapping is easy to learn, has a great success rate, and can be done any time you feel the need.